Welcome to Stapleford PTA
All parents and staff at Stapleford School are members of the PTA (registered charity no 1151770). Many help to organise and support events, raising money to provide the school with equipment and facilities to enrich our children’s primary school experience.
The PTA Committee consists of a group of parents working in partnership with the headteacher to drive forward our fundraising initiatives and ensure that all funds raised are used for the benefit of the school.
In the past years we have raised money from our School Discos, Bonfire Bake Offs, Christmas Gift Fairs, Spellathon, Quiz Nights, Easter Garden Competition and our Summer Fete and with your help, we are hoping to continue organising great events for the community and raising well needed funds for the school.
To find out up to date information about PTA activities and local community news, follow us on Facebook.
“Always on” initiatives
If you are fond of a bit of online shopping please find Stapleford Community Primary School PTA on the Easyfundraising website, sign up, and shop away! We receive a donation for every item you purchase online. It really is simple to do, use this link so we can benefit from their referral bonus offers.
If you are a UK tax payer, make sure your Gift Aid preferences are registered so we can increase all donations by 25%.
The Book People
The online book store is part of the Easyfundraising scheme AND will give money towards the school’s Big Book Boost fund. Just reach the site via easyfundraising, do your shopping and search/select Stapleford Community Primary School after you pay.
PTA Committee 2025
Co-Chairs – Tracey Wong and Rachael Wash
Secretary – Laura Sigsworth
Treasurer – Jenny Eldridge
Committee Members –
Heather Crossan
Jessica Halls
Jane Houghton
Sarah O’Driscoll
Steph Swain
Ellie Thorne
PTA Newsletters
To see our newsletters please view them below.
Upcoming PTA events – tbc!
Recent Events & Fund raising
We’ve already had an amazing 5 events in the past few months with the Disco, Bonfire bake off, Christmas Gift Fair, Quiz and March Disco which have helped us raise a large sum of money.
Our Co-op initiative has helped raise in excess of £1,500.
Easyfundraising is our “always on” fund raising initiative, we will show the total amount raised this term as soon as we have our quarterly statement through. We’re also now claiming gift aid for Easyfundraising, so it should be a nice addition to our total amount.
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