Rainbow Flag Award

Here at Stapleford we aim to be as inclusive as possible so recently we earned the Rainbow Flag Award. This focuses on our school being LGBT+ inclusive and demonstrating a commitment to improving the lives of all young people and their families.  From now on, we will implement positive language and understanding of identities into our classrooms in order to promote inclusive education and representation while combating LGBTphobia.   We hope to continue seeing children who are excellent at including everyone, ambitious in the language they use and caring towards those who might need support.  Please do not hesitate to contact Miss Mason if you wish to know anything further. Thank you for your support and we can’t wait to continue the work we began when embarking on the journey.


Here is a video from the Rainbow Flag Award with some information for parents.  To find out some more information about this award which we are now on our way to achieving, click here.



KS1 resources parents may be interested in:

Same Gender Relationships and Equal Marriage (LGB+)


Gender Identity (T+) KS1:


Books that parents of KS2 may be interested in:

Same Gender Relationships and Equal Marriage (LGB+)


Gender Identity (T+)


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