Living with Covid-19

The latest information is valid from 1st April 2022.

From the 1st April 2022, Covid-19 will be managed in a similar way to any other respiratory illness. The similarities between the profile of Covid-19 and other respiratory viruses means that individuals will be unable to distinguish one virus from another based on symptoms alone. The NHS have been updated their COVID-19 symptoms in adults and symptoms in children guidance.

Children and young people who are unwell with these symptoms and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. They can go back to school and resume normal activities when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend. Most children who are unwell will recover in a few days with rest and plenty of fluids.

If you are able to access a Covid-19 test (either left-over free testing kits or test kits purchased from pharmacies), children and young people with a positive test should stay at home and avoid contact with others for 3 days. They can return to education after 3 days provided they have no high temperature and feel well enough to do so.

Please see below for information on: 

Letter fron J Lewis April 2022 CCC

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