For many years, the school has worked hard to develop the use that members of the community make of its buildings and grounds. The Governing Body wishes to continue to make the school’s facilities available to local groups and individuals. The school’s first responsibility is to the education of all its children but it can arrange for parts of the school to be used in the evening, at the weekend and during some of the school holidays. 

If you would like more information on hiring out parts of the school, please email Miss. Watson in the school office.  The terms and conditions can be found below in the downloads section.  

The prices for hiring out parts of the school are as follows:

Hall * Community Room Playground School Field Classroom Football Pitch
Individuals and organisations  standard hourly rates £46.20 £14.00
Local Community Groups/Regular Weekly Group Meetings hourly rates £13.15 £7.70 £4.40 £32.50
Clubs arranged and booked by School for the benefit of pupils of Stapleford Community Primary School hourly rate £5.35 £2.55 £32.50 £2.55  £10.00

*The capacity of the Hall is 240 (seated e.g. concert or play) and 200 (standing e.g. dance or disco).


Please contact the School Office on 01223 508720 to enquire regarding use of the school that is not covered by the above charges

There is also an administrative charge of £5.50 for each booking as well as a caretaking and cleaning fee, which varies depending on the time that the booking finishes.

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