Welcome to Stapleford Community Primary School
We hope that this website provides you with a clear insight into the values, ethos, and practices of our school, and gives you the opportunity to see how we work together to nurture the development of every child. Our aim is for you to feel informed and empowered to get involved in school life.
At Stapleford, we offer your child a wealth of opportunities within a supportive partnership. Situated in the heart of the village, our vibrant and friendly school community continues to thrive as we embrace an exciting future. In 2018, we proudly became an Academy when we joined the Anglian Learning Multi-Academy Trust, whose commitment to outstanding education and learning aligns with our own ambition. Teamwork is central to achieving this vision, and it’s a principle that we uphold across our school.
As Interim Headteacher from January 2025, I am honoured to be leading the school into its next chapter. The privilege of influencing a child’s education, from Nursery to Year 6, is something we take very seriously. We are passionate about creating happy, confident, and resilient learners who take increasing responsibility for their own learning and behaviour. Our goal is to foster a strong ethos for learning, where ambition thrives. We want our pupils to believe in their potential and strive for excellence. We are a school community where every individual can succeed.
Our school is a dynamic and inspiring place to learn, where dedicated teachers and support staff spark curiosity and encourage independence. We are proud to offer a well-resourced environment that stands out from others, featuring unique elements like a swimming pool and expansive grounds, complete with a ‘moat’. These features help create an enriching learning environment where our pupils are inspired to grow and develop.
Our most recent Ofsted Inspection (2022) highlighted that “Pupils say that school is a happy and safe place to be. Pupils enjoy talking about what they have learned. They are proud of their work, and they are proud of what they know.” This reflects the strong sense of achievement and pride that permeates our school.
Having worked at Stapleford Community Primary for 11 years, I take great pride in our learners and the staff team who consistently live out our values of CARE—curiosity, ambition, resilience, and excellence. Visitors often comment on the warm, friendly atmosphere, and the supportive and inspirational environment we provide for every learner. We have a Published Admissions Number (PAN) of 30, and Cambridge Local Authority manages all admissions. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Claire Barber, our Office Manager.
We would love to welcome you to our school, where children truly thrive!
Jayne Hore, Interim Headteacher